Alright I been working on migrating to Exchange 2010 from Exchange 2007. Once moved we wanted to upload the pictures for users. You can do this on Exchange 2007 not covered here though.
I made the below script by using multiple source to compile this. Some script I found did something I liked but lacked few things so I went ahead and made my own with all thse things I needed. I am pretty new to Powershell so if you find I can improve then do let me know :)
I added option to check if the picture is already on the user ad attribute to save time. You can disable it if you dont want that. I also used hashtable to keep a log file for successful or failed uploads of pics.
If you have any suggestions to add to this script do let me know :)
You probably need to change Pickup folder location which is $PicFolder
=============Update: 10/11/11===========
I did not explain what this script does cause I thought it was pretty much straight forward cause of comments I added. But anyways I looked at the post today and thought hell it doesn't really say that this can do.
So here it is :- (I listed it in way of execution)
1- Gets users from exchange with get-mailbox | foreach
2- Create and datestamp log files with start of script. (I didnt know how to datestamp each line so had to create it head of execution of script. Maybe someone can help me out with this.
3- Initiate Hashtables for Success Log (Slist) and Failed Log (Flist).
4- For each users found with get-mailbox fetch $alias from it and check $alias.jpg file in pickup folder. If the pic is not there for $alias skip user.
5- Function ChkPic is to check if user has picture already assigned if so skip the user. This is usefull if want to re-run this script with new pictures added to pickup folder. Method used here is Export-RecipientDataProperty with username to see if it shows something. Usually if pic is there it will show RunspaceID in the result. I using that as my ref for pic is there.
6- Check picture file size if its less then or equal to 10k. If bigger than 10k skip user. Otherwise go ahead.
7- So finally we reached here after all that checks YAY. Go ahead and import picture.
8- So you remember that ChkPic (Step 5) I created? we are going to use it again to check if it uploaded the picture successfully. Does the same thing but after uploading. If it finds the pic it says all good otherwise logs it to Flist and displays error.
9- Display information about the logs and location to user.
10- End Script
Please leave a comment cause sometimes I feel that no one is reading this LOL. :p anyways it comes handy for me :)
#Pickup folder for pictures.
$PicFolder = "c:\pics"
#Fetch users from Exchange
$results = Get-Mailbox | Foreach {$_.alias}
$Date=$(Get-Date -format g) | add-content c:\ExPicSuccess.log, c:\ExPicFailed.log
#Using hashtable for logs.
$Slist=@{} #Successful Log file
$Flist=@{} #Failed Log File
#Function to check if pic is in user ad attr
Function ChkPic {
Param ($alias)
#Try to see if user already has pic uploaded
$ChkUpload = Export-RecipientDataProperty -Identity $alias -Picture | out-string
#Match for RunspaceId in result string
$RChk = $ChkUpload -match "RunspaceId" }
#End Function ChkPic
Foreach ($alias in $results)
$FileLoc = "$PicFolder\$alias.jpg"
$FileExists = Test-path $FileLoc
If ($FileExists -eq $True){
Write-host -f green "`nPicture found for $alias....checking size..."
#Check photo size if its less than 10k
$PhotoSize = Get-ChildItem $FileLoc | select Length
If ($PhotoSize.Length -le 10000) { Write-Host "[Size OK]" -ForeGroundColor Green }
Else {
$Flist.Add($alias, "Pic Size Exceeded 10k - Skipped!")
Write-Host "[Pic Size more than 10Kb..Skipping User!]" -ForeGroundColor Red; Continue}
#Precheck to make sure pic is not assigned. If assigned skip user. (You can disable this)
ChkPic $alias
If ($RChk -eq $True) { Write-Host "User already has picture assigned. Skipping User! `n" -f red;Continue}
#All good going ahead with uploading..
Write-host -f yellow "Uploading..."
#Import Picture to user ad attr
Import-RecipientDataProperty -Identity "$alias" -Picture -FileData `
([Byte[]]$(Get-Content -Path "$FileLoc" -Encoding Byte -ReadCount 0))
Write-Host -f green "Uploaded picture for $alias"
Write-host -f yellow "Checking if uploaded successfully..."
#Calling ChkPic Function
ChkPic $alias
#If statement to see if value is true which means successful and false means pic attr not found.
If ($RChk -eq $True) {
Write-Host -f green "[Uploaded Successfully] `n"
If ($alias) {$Slist.Add($alias, "Successful")}
Else {
Write-Host -f red "[Upload Failed]"
$Flist.Add($alias, "Upload Failed.")
Write-host -f red "Picture not found for $alias in $PicFolder"
If ($alias) {$Flist.Add($alias, "Picture not found.")}
Write-Host -f yellow "#Note: Logs files can be found in C: with name of ExPicSuccess.log & ExPicFailed.log `n"
#Add Successful list to log file
$Slist | out-string | add-content c:\ExPicSuccess.log
Write-host -f green "`n Displaying Successful Upload Userlist `n"
#Add Failed to log
$Flist | out-string | add-content c:\ExPicFailed.log
Write-host -f red "`n Displaying Failed Upload Userlist `n"
Download ps1 from Google Docs
You can download the ps1 incase the copy paste doesnt work. Link provided above
I made the below script by using multiple source to compile this. Some script I found did something I liked but lacked few things so I went ahead and made my own with all thse things I needed. I am pretty new to Powershell so if you find I can improve then do let me know :)
I added option to check if the picture is already on the user ad attribute to save time. You can disable it if you dont want that. I also used hashtable to keep a log file for successful or failed uploads of pics.
If you have any suggestions to add to this script do let me know :)
You probably need to change Pickup folder location which is $PicFolder
=============Update: 10/11/11===========
I did not explain what this script does cause I thought it was pretty much straight forward cause of comments I added. But anyways I looked at the post today and thought hell it doesn't really say that this can do.
So here it is :- (I listed it in way of execution)
1- Gets users from exchange with get-mailbox | foreach
2- Create and datestamp log files with start of script. (I didnt know how to datestamp each line so had to create it head of execution of script. Maybe someone can help me out with this.
3- Initiate Hashtables for Success Log (Slist) and Failed Log (Flist).
4- For each users found with get-mailbox fetch $alias from it and check $alias.jpg file in pickup folder. If the pic is not there for $alias skip user.
5- Function ChkPic is to check if user has picture already assigned if so skip the user. This is usefull if want to re-run this script with new pictures added to pickup folder. Method used here is Export-RecipientDataProperty with username to see if it shows something. Usually if pic is there it will show RunspaceID in the result. I using that as my ref for pic is there.
6- Check picture file size if its less then or equal to 10k. If bigger than 10k skip user. Otherwise go ahead.
7- So finally we reached here after all that checks YAY. Go ahead and import picture.
8- So you remember that ChkPic (Step 5) I created? we are going to use it again to check if it uploaded the picture successfully. Does the same thing but after uploading. If it finds the pic it says all good otherwise logs it to Flist and displays error.
9- Display information about the logs and location to user.
10- End Script
Please leave a comment cause sometimes I feel that no one is reading this LOL. :p anyways it comes handy for me :)
#Pickup folder for pictures.
$PicFolder = "c:\pics"
#Fetch users from Exchange
$results = Get-Mailbox | Foreach {$_.alias}
$Date=$(Get-Date -format g) | add-content c:\ExPicSuccess.log, c:\ExPicFailed.log
#Using hashtable for logs.
$Slist=@{} #Successful Log file
$Flist=@{} #Failed Log File
#Function to check if pic is in user ad attr
Function ChkPic {
Param ($alias)
#Try to see if user already has pic uploaded
$ChkUpload = Export-RecipientDataProperty -Identity $alias -Picture | out-string
#Match for RunspaceId in result string
$RChk = $ChkUpload -match "RunspaceId" }
#End Function ChkPic
Foreach ($alias in $results)
$FileLoc = "$PicFolder\$alias.jpg"
$FileExists = Test-path $FileLoc
If ($FileExists -eq $True){
Write-host -f green "`nPicture found for $alias....checking size..."
#Check photo size if its less than 10k
$PhotoSize = Get-ChildItem $FileLoc | select Length
If ($PhotoSize.Length -le 10000) { Write-Host "[Size OK]" -ForeGroundColor Green }
Else {
$Flist.Add($alias, "Pic Size Exceeded 10k - Skipped!")
Write-Host "[Pic Size more than 10Kb..Skipping User!]" -ForeGroundColor Red; Continue}
#Precheck to make sure pic is not assigned. If assigned skip user. (You can disable this)
ChkPic $alias
If ($RChk -eq $True) { Write-Host "User already has picture assigned. Skipping User! `n" -f red;Continue}
#All good going ahead with uploading..
Write-host -f yellow "Uploading..."
#Import Picture to user ad attr
Import-RecipientDataProperty -Identity "$alias" -Picture -FileData `
([Byte[]]$(Get-Content -Path "$FileLoc" -Encoding Byte -ReadCount 0))
Write-Host -f green "Uploaded picture for $alias"
Write-host -f yellow "Checking if uploaded successfully..."
#Calling ChkPic Function
ChkPic $alias
#If statement to see if value is true which means successful and false means pic attr not found.
If ($RChk -eq $True) {
Write-Host -f green "[Uploaded Successfully] `n"
If ($alias) {$Slist.Add($alias, "Successful")}
Else {
Write-Host -f red "[Upload Failed]"
$Flist.Add($alias, "Upload Failed.")
Write-host -f red "Picture not found for $alias in $PicFolder"
If ($alias) {$Flist.Add($alias, "Picture not found.")}
Write-Host -f yellow "#Note: Logs files can be found in C: with name of ExPicSuccess.log & ExPicFailed.log `n"
#Add Successful list to log file
$Slist | out-string | add-content c:\ExPicSuccess.log
Write-host -f green "`n Displaying Successful Upload Userlist `n"
#Add Failed to log
$Flist | out-string | add-content c:\ExPicFailed.log
Write-host -f red "`n Displaying Failed Upload Userlist `n"
Download ps1 from Google Docs
You can download the ps1 incase the copy paste doesnt work. Link provided above